Practical Tips To Start Painting As a Hobby

Practical Tips To Start Painting As a Hobby

Essential Tips to Enable Start Hobby Painting

When you pursue a hobby like painting, it's like overcoming inhibitions than designing a picture. It will require lots of dedication, practice, observation, and experience. Painting is a way of stimulating your imagination and helps in inspiring you to look at the world differently.

In this article, we will be looking at some of the advice that will trigger you to pick a paintbrush for the first-ever time.

Getting Started

If you're a newbie in painting, you should start with acrylic paints. They are easy and affordable for beginners. Acrylic paints can easily mix with water, are easy to remove from materials, dry faster, and are pretty forgiving.
To ensure you avoid a mental blank whenever you get in front of the canvas, it's appropriate that you think ahead and plan on what you will be painting. You have the option of creating a Pinterest board or getting pictures that you love and recreating them. Getting pictures you love will help bring ideas, improve your imagination and help you with imagery thinking.

Normalize using a visual art journal, preferably A4 or A3

Use them to come up with your sketches, images you love drawing and try different techniques. Visual journal practicing will ensure you conceptualize the form or style of painting you want to explore when you know your type.

In case you have plans of creating different paintings, ensure you research similar images on Pinterest. Start by coming up with varying variations of the idea you are thinking of until you can visualize the series or theme of photos you are after.

Prepare the Painting Materials

There is a high possibility you'll make a mess when you start painting. Ensure you stock on sponges from the supermarket, rags, and rummages through the closet of old cloth. Acrylic paints will stain the clothes permanently. You should always have a uniform that you wear whenever you're painting. Apart from protecting the clothes you are wearing, you will get into the artistry mindset whenever you step in front of the canvas.

Get some good quality palette knives of different sizes and stiff and soft-bristled paintbrushes. Soft brushes are perfect for smoother brushstrokes like a watercolor painting. Brushes are an essential tool for any painter; you must take good care of them. How you maintain and clean your brushes will maintain how long they will last.

Whenever you are painting, ensure that you use different types of brushes for different paint colors. With this, you'll be able to avoid mixing the colors as you paint on the canvas. You'll not require an expensive paint palette for different colors. Consider using a smooth ceramic platter or large plastic that will give you enough room to mix.

Explore and Expand

It would help if you constantly sketched before putting a paint drop on the canvas. At times, you will have to draw what you are thinking of several times before you embark on the painting. Coming up with a sketch will ensure you formulate the final design and help lock a clear vision of whatever you'll be painting.

Making a color wheel will help you understand the different dimensions, synergy, and mood of different colors and their relationship with one another whenever you want to get familiar with color mixing and colors. There are great web tutorials and YouTube that will help you make your color wheel. All you have to do is get what works best for you.

Ensure you practice the brush strokes; however, you do not have to splash out new canvas every time. Always use the visual art journal to try different painting techniques like stippling, brush, dabbing, splattering, and palette knife.

Knowing how best to observe the seven art elements will help. Whenever you visit an art gallery, always pay attention to the artist's use of shape, line, value, texture, space, and form in their work.


Several benefits come with learning how to paint. The painting will help improve your concentration levels, ensure you develop critical thinking skills, and fine-tune your motor skills. It will help foster creative development, encourage a positive attitude, build confidence, and promote emotional growth.
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